Where to Find Outdoor Adventure Gear in Ruidoso
Need to know the best places to stock up on outdoor gear for backcountry outings in Ruidoso? Whether you are planning a camping vacation or you’ve forgotten something important, here's where to find everything you need for an outdoor adventure in Ruidoso.
Parts Unknown (formerly Brunell’s)
Though the name of this longtime Ruidoso staple has changed, the friendly, helpful staff, high-quality clothing, shoes, and accessories have not. Find Patagonia, Prana, Pendleton, Woolrich, Columbia, Chaco, Birkenstock, and more.
NOMAD Get Lost
This homegrown Ruidoso retailer carries Super73 Electric Motorbikes, SANUK, Life Is Good, ROVR, Rep Your Water, Lamo, Perfect Storm, Proof Eyewear, Stance Socks, and exclusive local designs. This is the place to find hats, gloves, t-shirts, sunglasses, shoes, sandals, and all things fun.
Newly opened in 2022, find everything you need for a day fishing trip in Ruidoso, including fishing licenses at Señor Fishing and Outdoor Gear.
Señor Fishing & Outdoor Gear
Señor Fishing and Outdoor Gear offer a large selection of fishing equipment, from fishing poles and lures to knives and outdoor clothes.
The Ruidoso Woodsman
Shop The Ruidoso Woodsman for men's outdoor clothing and accessories, offering high-quality brands such as Klean Kanteen, Marmot, Dragon sunglasses, VSSL outdoor utility tools, Blenders eyewear, and Benchmade knives.
Happy Hiker
This locally-run outdoor store stocks clothing and gear for hiking, fishing, camping, frisbee golf, and outdoor recreation. Happy Hiker also carries CBD, adaptogenic mushrooms, natural beauty, and self-care products, plus pet treats, toys, and leashes.
Backcountry Attitudes
Gear up for your adventures at Backcountry Attitudes offering outdoor equipment for disc golf, mountain biking, hunting, OHVs and RVs.
Village Ace Hardware
This family-owned and a longtime-favorite hardware store might not be the first place that comes to mind, but they carry a great selection of knives, canned oxygen, bug spray, power chargers, Yeti tumblers and coolers, Weber and Traeger grills, and even barbecue spice rubs, perfect for a Ruidoso outdoor vacation.
Big 5 Sporting Goods
One of the only chain retailers in town, you’ll find a full range of camping, hiking, and outdoor equipment, plus shoes, and apparel in familiar brands and budget prices at Big 5 Sporting Goods.