Wildfire Season Updates – Stay Safe, Stay Informed
Stay informed during wildfire season in Ruidoso, NM, with real-time alerts, safety resources, and travel updates. Access official fire reports, evacuation notices, and air quality updates to help you plan a safe and stress-free trip. Be prepared, stay aware, and ensure a responsible visit to Ruidoso’s mountain community.
Get the latest wildfire information now!
The Village of Ruidoso enacted Level II fire restrictions on March 10, 2025, to reduce wildfire risk during severe drought. Certain outdoor activities and equipment use will be limited or prohibited to protect public safety. Residents and visitors should familiarize themselves with the full guidelines and exercise caution until conditions improve.
Lincoln National Forest Enters Stage 1 Fire Restrictions
Due to dry conditions, Lincoln National Forest has implemented Stage 1 Fire Restrictions effective March 10, 2025. Campfires and charcoal grills are limited to developed campsites or picnic areas with agency-built fire rings. Dispersed campfires are prohibited, and smoking is restricted to enclosed vehicles or buildings. Chainsaw use remains permitted.
There are no active fires in Ruidoso at this time.
For the latest Lincoln County NM wildfire information, visit https://app.watchduty.org/
While the fire danger in the forest has decreased from “extreme” to “moderate”, the potential for large wildfires remains.
The public is urged to remain vigilant when they visit the forest. Remember to use any fire source in a cautious manner. Never leave a campfire unattended. When you do leave your campfire, make sure to drown it with water, stir, and feel for any remaining heat.
Regardless of the change in restrictions and danger level, the potential for a large wildfire remains, and so forest staff urges the public to remain vigilant and use any fire source in a safe and non-destructive manner.
Remember – fireworks are never permitted on federal land.
Call Me Ruidoso is the official emergency alert and notification system for the Village of Ruidoso. This system is used to send alerts to the public and internally to Village employees during emergencies. Sign up for Alerts here.
For detailed information on fire incidents and emergency operations, follow these trusted sources:
InciWeb: The national incident management system for fire information. Visit https://inciweb.wildfire.gov/
NMRoads: Check real-time road conditions, closures, and travel alerts across New Mexico. Visit https://nmroads.com/mapIndex.html?
WatchDuty App: Download the WatchDuty app to receive alerts you of nearby wildfires and firefighting efforts in real-time. Visit https://app.watchduty.org/
By staying connected through these channels, you'll have access to the information you need to make safe and informed decisions.
Keep up to date with current fire information.
Track the weather: Check the current weather conditions.
Know before you go: Learn about fire restrictions and current fires at NM Fire Info.
Call Me Ruidoso: This system allows Ruidoso Police and Fire to send out emergency situation notices via voice/text message and email to each person who has registered. https://www.callmeruidoso.com
Know where to go in case of evacuation: The NM Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management posts updates of current conditions and threats and provides information for specific fires such as evacuations, evacuation centers & shelters, livestock, road closures etc.
Smoke and your Health: The New Mexico Department of Health provides information to help protect your health from smoke during a wildfire: click here. An interactive smoke map at fire.airnow.gov/ allows you to zoom into your area to see the latest smoke conditions.
Watch Duty, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, alerts you of nearby wildfires and firefighting efforts in real-time. https://www.watchduty.org
Ruidoso Fire Department: (575) 257-3473
Additional Fire Information Resources for New Mexico Wildfire Incidents
NM Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management:
Fire Resource Hotline 1-800-432-2080 for fire consequence resources or sheltering needs.
NM Roads – Official Road Status for the State of NM (road closures, etc.)
Map of Wildfires in NM (zoom into specific fires)
Lincoln National Forest on Facebook: For updates on forest conditions, closures, and fire management
National Weather Service Albuquerque on Facebook: Stay updated on weather alerts and forecasts affecting the Ruidoso area by following the